Release your media from the confines of 2D and VR.

Our software tools and plugins bring your new or existing projects, models, and assets out of the screen and into real life.

The only way to create holograms.

Turn the trillions of 3D content pieces made in Unity, Blender, Unreal – even the depth cameras on your smartphone – into 3D holograms with our suite of tools.

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Supported platforms
Unreal EngineAndroidiPhoneWebXR

Your memories – in full depth.

Create 3D holograms from your favorite 2D memories using our web-based 2D-to-3D conversion tool on Looking Glass Blocks.

2D to 3D converter

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Studio (Portrait Mode photos)

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Elevate Your 3D Content

Render out your existing 3D content with tools you're already familiar with.

Unity Plugin

Create holographic characters, experiences, and entire worlds.

Unreal Plugin

Create and interact with highly realistic holographic creations.

Blender Add-On

Create beautiful holographic characters and animations.

WebXR Library

Build immersive web experiences using WebXR.

Looking Glass Studio

View and edit a variety of holographic formats.

Looking Glass SDK

Make any existing 3D software compatible with Looking Glass.

Share and discover holograms on the web